Friday, May 8, 2020

Mouth Watering Churros

When I was little, churros were a common treat. It's one of my fond memories of Disneyland when I was a kid, and of course the trips to Price Club (aka Costco now).  It was also a common goodie at craft fairs, and county fairs, and all the other fairs we attended. So, it's no surprise that it is one of the treats on my list of things to learn how to make.

Recently I got a deep fryer. It's only a mini that holds 1.2 quarts, but that's perfect for the experimenting I've been doing. It also allows me to make a little without a lot of oil waste, or extensive clean up.

Because my fryer is a mini, my churros came out slightly curved and little smaller than you might expect to see in a shop. Doesn't change their wonderful flavor and dreamy, fluffy center. These are a must try! Super easy dough to make, even though it's a little different starting on the stove top, and quick to put together and have ready to eat. Yum!

Mouth Watering Churros

1 c water
5 Tb butter
1 Tb sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 c flour
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
4 c oil for frying (I used canola, but any oil should do)

For the Coating:
1/4 c sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

In a medium saucepan, heat the water, butter, sugar and salt to boiling. Turn off the heat and add the flour.   Mix until you have a smooth dough. Place dough in a mixing bowl and leave to cool for a minute. Meanwhile, beat the eggs and vanilla together.  Add to the dough and blend until smooth.
Heat the oil to 350 degrees. Select a toothed piping tip and place the dough into a piping bag. Also, prepare the coating mix in a small bowl. When oil is heated and ready, add the churros by squeezing them through the pipe to the desired length. Use your fingers or a knife or scissors to snip the end and they should drop into the oil. Allow them to cook for 3-4 minutes, possibly turning them half way for an even cook. Pull them out with tongs and place them on a rack or paper towel to remove excess oil.  Roll them in the coating, or sprinkle the coating on top. Delicious!

*If you have a cookie press with a serrated tip, it might work well for this. I haven't tried it yet, but I will update the recipe if it does.

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