Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Block 10 for BlockBusters BOM

There's a pattern here.  Things get all backed up during the holidays and magically, when kids go back to school, the kitchen is shut down and only serving healthy foods, and holiday decor is packed away I suddenly have time to get things done.

I was able to get this block put together pretty easily. The colors are fun, but they're very similar to the background-color theme fabric I've been using, which is the black. Still, it was fun to play with the grays.

I'm trying to be more careful with my points. I feel like I did a better job on this one, but still have work to do.

I've also been thinking about layouts that might work once all the blocks are finished. I have some fun ideas with these spectrum fabrics. Hopefully they'll work out as well in fabric as they do in my head. Whenever I try to draw things out they just don't come out the same so I'm reluctant to do that. We'll see. Until then I have another block down and only two to go for the complete collection. Yeah!

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